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Are you a Canadian internet expert, maple syrup marketing guru, CanCon champion or hewer of fine bespoke words? We are looking for contributors to the CIRA blog.


To be eligible to write for us you must:

  • live in, work in and/or be a citizen of Canada;
  • have a .CA website (so we can link to you);
  • have a working background or expertise in what you are writing about;
  • write good words n’ stuff.


We are interested in a variety of original pitches related to Canada’s internet, but we have a particular need for the following topics:

  • website basics
  • entrepreneurship
  • branding
  • small business perspectives
  • cybersecurity/IT security
  • SEO
  • legal and trademarks
  • digital marketing
  • ecommerce
  • social media (including paid)
  • other internet-related topics

Submission guidelines

All articles must be:

  • a minimum of 500 words, maximum 1200 words (or more if you can make a good case);
  • original material not published anywhere else;
  • written by the author who is an authority on the subject;
  • focused on Canadian problems, solutions and resources.


When at all possible, articles should be submitted with an original image or suggested stock image in mind. Any charts, graphs or graphics should be original or have Creative Commons license and be formatted and sized for web use.

Linking to your website and other external resources is allowed and encouraged. However, whenever possible links should be to Canadian websites and resources. Affiliate links and skim links are not allowed. Links back to your website must link to relevant content related to the topic.


At CIRA we adhere to CP Style with a few exceptions. We will send you a copy of our style guide upon accepting your pitch.

Our tone is informal but informative. Feel free to bring your personality, humour and personal experience to the article. We want to hear your perspective, not Wikipedia’s.

Editing and publishing

CIRA reserves the right to reject, edit, republish or reformat any content submitted. Once your content is accepted by CIRA, we retain the right to publish, promote or republish it.


All CIRA content is published in both English and French. You can submit a post in either official language, and we’ll take care of the translation.


Email [email protected] we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
