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Request for Disclosure of Registrant Information for Law Enforcement and National Security Agencies

These rules and procedures provide the process for law enforcement and national security agencies to request disclosure of information of Registrants.


These Rules and Procedures are implemented pursuant to CIRA’s Privacy Policy, to provide the process for certain persons to request the disclosure, under certain limited and specified circumstances, of certain specific information of Registrants that is not publicly available through CIRA’s WHOIS search tool.

Except as expressly specified herein or in the Policy, any other request for disclosure of information of Registrants must be by way of an order, ruling, decision, subpoena, warrant, or judgment.

These Rules and Procedures outline:

  • What specific information of Registrants may be disclosed under these Rules and Procedures, pursuant to a request for disclosure;
  • Who may request such information be disclosed by CIRA, pursuant to these Rules and Procedures (“Requestors”); and
  • What express requirements the Requestors must meet, before CIRA will consider disclosure of information, pursuant to a request.

All capitalized terms used herein but not defined, shall have the meanings as set out in CIRA’s Registrant Agreement or Registrar Agreement.

Rules and Procedures

Schedule A

For purposes of these Rules and Procedures:
