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Meeting Agenda
February 27, 2024
400-979, Bank Street,  Ottawa, Ontario

 Board Directors: Liza Aboud, Colleen Arnold, Gwen Beauchemin (Vice-Chair), Don Bowman, Graeme Bunton, Anne Butler, Matt Gamble, Eric Hill, Jill Kowalchuk (Chair), Samantha Ventresca, Rob Villeneuve, Michael Zahra

Board Advisors: Byron Holland, John Demco, Monika Surma

Corporate Secretary : Brigitte LeBlanc-Lapointe

Regrets: None.

Guests: Sanita Alias, Albert Chang, Adam Eisner, Jon Ferguson, Jane Fulford, Jessie Geng (CGP), Marlene James (CGP), Charles Noir, Paula Panetta, Deanna Young


1. Call to Order

1.1) Approval of Agenda 

1.2) Declaration of Conflict of Interest

2) In-Camera Session (Directors only) 

3) Chair’s Remarks

3.1) Welcome from the Board Chair

4) President & CEO Remarks

4.1) Welcome from the President & CEO 

5) Consent Agenda

5.1) Approval of Minutes

5.2) Statutory Obligations 

5.3) FY24Q3 Financial Results

5.4) FY24Q3 Risk Report

5.5) Management Report 

6) In-Camera Session

7) Committee Reports

7.1) Finance, Audit, Investment and Risk Management Committee Report

7.2) Community Investment Committee Report

7.3) Service Strategy Committee Report

8) Corporate Plan an FY25 Budget

8.1) FY25 Budget

8.2) FY25 Corporate Plan

9) In-Camera Session

10) Other Business

10.1) Appointment of Assistant Returning Officer  

10.2) Policy & Advocacy Update 

10.3) Action Item Register

10.4) Board Work Plan

10.5) Next Meeting: April 3, 2024 (virtual)

11) In-Camera Session (Directors only)


Meeting Agenda
February 28, 2024
400-979, Bank Street,  Ottawa, Ontario

12) Unconscious Bias

12.1) Facilitated discussion of training modules

13) Land Acknowledgement

13.1) Land Acknowledgement discussion

14) Committee Reports (continued)

14.1) Governance Committee Report

15) Strategic Planning

15.1) Strategic Plan timeline & discussion 

15.2) CIRA Stakeholder Overview 

16) In-Camera Session (CEO & Directors only)

17) In-Camera Session (Directors only)

18) Conclusion of Meeting
