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TCaregivers are indispensable in the care of people with dementia. Currently 12% of Canadians are providing care for a family member with dementia. Ninety percent of people living with dementia will experience behaviour symptoms throughout their illness that are often challenging to their caregivers. Tracking the occurrences of challenging behaviours helps to improve management by identifying patterns and triggers. Currently there is a lack of user-friendly technological methods of tracking dementia related behaviours. The project involves the development of a mobile app and website that will guide caregivers in the management and tracking of these behavioural symptoms enabling them to better identify possible triggers and patterns, as well as follow-up on their progress in managing the behaviour over time. The triggers and patterns can be easily shared with other care providers and health care professionals to develop a coordinated management plan. The data collected through the app will help drive research in dementia and caregiving forward which will benefit the larger population of people with dementia and caregivers.

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