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Small Teams

Get Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Small Teams

What to have handy for set-up:
  • Staff email address list
  • One email address to be the admin
  • Desired training start date
  • Know which centralized email system is used for your workplace (GSuite, O365, etc.)

A full set-up guide will be provided once you checkout.
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Reduce cyber risk in your workplace

CIRA now offers a fully managed Cybersecurity Awareness Training program, designed specifically to meet the needs of small teams and workplaces. No IT team? No problem. Set-up of users, courseware and phishing simulations is fast and easy.

Organizations using our platform experience an average 3x reduction in users clicking on phishing emails. Employees become part of the solution because we help train them to report incidents, rather than ignore them.

Phishing attack and cyber threat training is not only a great way to reduce cyber risk – it’s becoming a common requirement to renew cyber insurance policies. CIRA’s platform is a perfect solution if you’re looking for an easy-to-manage and cost-effective cybersecurity training platform for small businesses and organizations.

Training platform features:

Automated phishing

Simulations sent once/month, randomly selected from a bank of templates. Users that click on a link in a simulation will be assigned remedial training to improve their risk score.

Online courses

Admins can assign courses on a wide variety of cybersecurity topics, with content written for Canadian users. Users can also self-enroll.

Cyber risk score

Based on course quizzes, phishing simulation actions and more, each user has a personalized risk score that will go up or down over time.

Admin dashboard

Pre-configured dashboard to quickly assess training completion, risk scores and more.

Risk Advisor

Admins can access reports identifying specific cyber-risks, based on risk and vendor assessments.

Refresher training

Keeping cybersecurity top-of-mind, users will automatically be assigned a refresher course each year.



A gamified, engaging training program


Here are the initial training activities users will complete:

  • Complete a survey: Users will answer questions on their cybersecurity behaviours and perceptions (e.g. “Have you shared your work password with someone else?”).
  • Take four courses: Users will learn cybersecurity basics and take a short quiz at the end of each course.
  • Get sent three simulated phishing emails: Three phishing simulation emails will be sent to them, and the user can forward them to a phish forward address.

These activities determine a baseline risk score for each user. A user’s score will go up and down over time, based on subsequent training – including automated, monthly phishing simulations and a course assigned every other month.

The admin can view the risk score for each user and the average score for their entire organization, and access reporting which provides guidance on how to reduce cyber risk.

A quick tour of the platform

Learn more about phishing simulations, dashboards, courses and more.



Not sure if the Small Teams
option is right for you?

Our Small Teams option offers the convenience of full automation of a training program, while our full solution provides admins with more advanced functionality and customization.

CIRA Cybersecurity Awareness Training Small Teams Full Solution
Best for workplaces with…: 10-50 employees 51 or more employees; including an IT team
Unique features: Simple set-up: Upload user list and select one admin.  

Phish-forward address to report simulations provided by CIRA

Automatic phishing simulations sent to users once/month

User Sync with Active Directory/G Suite/O365

Multiple admins


Option to configure a report-a-phish button directly in your mail client

Ability to customize course content and phishing simulations

Ability to view reports, assign courses etc. by department

Pricing $50/user annually Contact us

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