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Jacqui d'Eon

Jacquelin d’Eon

Liste: Membre
Province: Colombie britannique

Énoncé de candidature

I want to play a role in securing Canada’s online future. That’s why I am asking for your support for my candidacy as a member of the CIRA Board of Directors.

I am a proud Canadian, a professional engineer and a professional communicator. I have been operating my business with a .CA domain since 1997. It is only recently that I have begun to understand and appreciate CIRA’s importance to our country and our economy. Canadians need CIRA to help protect and promote a safe, reliable, and inclusive online environment for Canadians.

CIRA ensures that we can conduct business, run our governments and our institutions in a way that protects our sovereignty and fosters trust while also preparing us for the future. In short, CIRA is the backbone or the infrastructure of Canada’s cyber connectivity.

I want to get involved as a member of the Board to serve that purpose and promote CIRA.

My skills are a unique combination of engineering and strategic communications. They enable me to grasp complex issues quickly, find pragmatic solutions to problems, and communicate to achieve real results.

In my business, I advise clients in both the private and association sectors. I help them achieve their objectives, identify risks, manage issues, and recover from crises that could affect their reputations and (at times) their survival.

As a former C-suite executive and independent business owner, I know firsthand the important role Boards play in governing and guiding an organization. I served as an External Advisor to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). I have advised CEOs and Board Chairs on the management of sensitive risks and helped boards and executive teams develop strategic communication and risk management plans. I was the Vice President of Professional Development for the largest chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and served on the governance committee of the IABC Accreditation Council, the global body overseeing accreditation. I was awarded the honorary, lifetime achievement title of Master Communicator by the IABC.

My crisis preparation and reputation management book, “Stuff Happens” was published by the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) and formed the basis of a post-graduate course I developed and taught York University.

As a CIRA Board member, I want to have a role in:
• shaping Canada’s internet strategy
• advancing understanding of the internet ecosystem.
• enhancing CIRA’s public interest mandate

I hope I can count on your support. Let me bring my skills to the CIRA Board and make a difference.

Questions obligatoires

1. Expliquez, de votre point de vue, ce que CIRA fait et pourquoi son rôle est important.

I think of CIRA as the backbone or the infrastructure of Canada’s cyber connectivity. CIRA ensures that we can conduct business, run our governments and our institutions in a way that protects our sovereignty and fosters trust while also preparing us for the future.

CIRA is responsible for ensuring the secure and reliable operation of the .CA domain and the development of a trusted and secure internet ecosystem for Canada. Beyond its core functions, CIRA plays a significant role in providing Canadians with equal opportunities to access and participate in the digital world and through research, works to understand emerging technologies and learn about internet-related issues and emerging technologies.

CIRA is an important force to protect Canada and Canadians in the cyberworld. Canadians need CIRA to help protect and promote a safe, reliable, and inclusive online environment for Canadians.

2. Pourquoi désirez-vous faire partie du conseil d’administration de CIRA? Dans votre réponse, veuillez préciser les compétences et l’expérience particulières que vous possédez et qui font de vous un candidat compétent.

I believe I have a unique perspective and combination of skills to be a valued and contributing member of CIRA’s Board of Directors.

My reasons for wanting to be a member of CIRA’s Board of Directors are tied to CIRA’s mandate:

1. Shaping Canada’s Internet Strategy: CIRA’s Board of Directors has a direct influence on shaping the policies and initiatives that govern the .CA domain and the broader Canadian internet landscape.

I am a strategic thinker with a logical and pragmatic mindset – that’s my engineering brain.

I also know how important communications are for the acceptance and adoption of new ideas and ways of thinking.

I want to play a role in securing Canada’s online future.

2. Advance my own and the public’s understanding of the internet ecosystem. Part of CIRA’s role is the ongoing security and trust of Canada’s ecosystem in a world of not simply constant but accelerating change.
I want to learn more about what is being done to ensure Canada is a leading and one of the most trusted players in the online world.

A someone with a keen interest in risk mitigation, supporting CIRA’s mission of advancing a safe, secure, and trusted internet in Canada. I also want to be certain that we continue to develop the systems and protocols that position us for the future.

3. Enhance CIRA’s Public Interest mandate: I want to support CIRA’s work towards a more inclusive, accessible, and secure internet for Canadians. Online accessibility is a fundamental need in the modern world and with a country as sparsely populated and geographically diverse as Canada, ensuring all Canadians can participate in the cyber world is essential for our economy and our future.

I am confident that as a Board member, I will be able to help facilitate valuable collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities in the pursuit of this goal.

3. Selon vous, quels sont les trois principaux défis et possibilités qui se présenteront à CIRA au cours des trois à cinq prochaines années? Quelle approche adopteriez-vous pour résoudre ces enjeux?

The online world is in a state of rapid and constant change. This creates significant challenges and opportunities for CIRA.

1. Staying current. CIRA needs to stay abreast of emerging technologies, evolving cybersecurity threats, and changing user behaviors to ensure that their services and policies remain relevant and effective. CIRA cannot do this alone. It will need to build alliances, partnerships, and collaboration models across Canada and around the globe.

2. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: Trust is a major goal for CIRA. As more services and businesses rely on the internet, cybersecurity and data privacy become critical concerns and could be trust-busters. CIRA will need to enhance their efforts to protect the .CA domain and its registrants from cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and security of Canadian internet infrastructure. CIRA’s efforts to stay current (above) will be one part of managing this. In addition, CIRA can support the education and development of Canadian cybersecurity and privacy expertise.

3. Competition: To maintain its position as a trusted registrar and continue to serve the Canadian internet community effectively, CIRA will need to develop strategies to differentiate itself and provide value-added services. Some of this work has already begun. Although CIRA is a nonprofit, it will need to continue and accelerate this effort to remain both viable and the trusted authority.

As is often the case, addressing the challenges also presents significant opportunities for CIRA.

1. Expanding Connectivity: Helping Canadians get connected no matter where they live is key to the Canadian economy. Can and should play a leadership role in making this a reality. Through collaboration with government agencies, ISPs, and community organizations, it will be possible to bridge the digital divide and promote digital inclusion. Canada can be a global model for this.

2. Enhanced Internet Security and Trust: This is both a significant challenge and a huge opportunity for CIRA. By investing in advanced cybersecurity measures, promoting secure online practices, raising awareness about the importance of a secure internet infrastructure, and educating and developing the next generation of cybersecurity experts, CIRA can position itself as a leader in fostering a safe and trusted online environment.

3. Innovation: CIRA can add value to its domain registration and management offerings with innovative approaches to its challenges and opportunities. These efforts have already begun and could be expanded. Canada has always been a world leader in technology innovation and CIRA can continue that tradition.

Voir la CV de Jacquelin d’Eon