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Jill Kowalchuk

Liste: Comité des candidatures
Province: Alberta

Énoncé de candidature

Over the last 6 years, in the last two as the Board Chair, I have had the pleasure to be a part of an exciting time for CIRA. I am submitting my application for the CIRA Board for my third and final term on the CIRA Board.

I would like to use my experience and what I have learned to continue to help the organization build on the successes in the last few years while supporting the organization in tackling the challenges that are fast approaching the industry as we move forward. The domain industry will continue to transition as the post-pandemic world unfolds and the Board will need to support the organization in evolving to find new and creative opportunities to ensure the effective and independent operation of the global internet.

As a cybersecurity professional I am uniquely positioned to support CIRA in their key role in supporting the cybersecurity defence of our country. As the global cybersecurity challenge continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, CIRA has positioned itself as a critical player in the security landscape. The organization will need to continue to play a leadership role by investing and supporting solutions to support the ongoing cybersecurity defense of our country.

This momentum CIRA has seen over the last few years is not without its headwinds. Industry trends and economic factors are already beginning to slow the velocity achieved during the height of the pandemic. CIRA is seeing a new normal being established in the industry, settling somewhere between the pandemic peak and the pre-pandemic reality. What is clear is that the importance of the internet is no longer something that needs to be explained, it is now foundational.

As the past Co-Chair of the Community Investment Committee, I had the benefit of supporting CIRA in the mission to give back to the community. The granting program was created more than ten years ago, and during my role as Co-Chair I worked with my Board colleagues and management to evolve the program to build on the successes of the past and support targeting the program to key strategic areas. The program evolved to provide broader benefits to Canadians including Canadian Shield a free service that protects tens of thousands of Canadians and has led to the organization frequently being called on for its cybersecurity thought leadership. As a Director I would continue to support community investment while balancing our primary mandate in managing .CA on behalf of all Canadians.

If re-elected as a director I would continue to work with management on our approach to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). CIRA has a strong foundation of policies, and practices that cover several key areas of a comprehensive ESG strategy; and an opportunity to continue to develop a plan to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and promote a greener internet in Canada.

Questions obligatoires

1. Expliquez, de votre point de vue, ce que CIRA fait et pourquoi son rôle est important.

CIRA is responsible for administering Canada’s domain .CA. Through this mandate CIRA is a foundational component in the security and operations of Canada’s internet. CIRA manages the DNS infrastructure in Canada which is critical to ensuring the trusted operations of Canada’s internet. Beyond managing the .CA domain and DNS infrastructure CIRA supports a safe and secure internet by providing cybersecurity services to support Canadian’s and Canadian businesses and organizations. Through the net Good Program, CIRA provides Canadian Shield to protect Canadian’s at home, supports hundreds of Canadian’s through grants given to organizations to support CIRA’s mission of a safe and secure internet for all Canadians. The domain name space is a truly community driven component of the internet, where the policies for how the internet is governed are determined by a multi-stakeholder community, CIRA is a leader in this space both domestically and internationally through its operations and the leadership role it plays in the stakeholder environment.

2. Pourquoi désirez-vous faire partie du conseil d’administration de CIRA? Dans votre réponse, veuillez préciser les compétences et l’expérience particulières que vous possédez et qui font de vous un candidat compétent.

I’d like to be on CIRA’s Board of Directors to give back to the Canadian internet community. In my professional life I am regularly exposed to the need for a safe and secure internet for businesses, post-secondary institutions, government, heath care, and Canadian citizens. I also see the critical role that CIRA plays in the ongoing battle against threat actors trying to harm organizations, businesses and individuals on the internet. As a Board member I would like to work with management and all stakeholders to continue to support all Canadians in operating and developing Canada’s internet. I bring an extensive background in cybersecurity and the deep understanding of governance through my experience serving on the CIRA board and in other Board roles. This last year I have augmented my board and governance expertise with formal training by taking the Institute for Corporate Governance, Directors Education program at Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. This formal education has supported my governance philosophy around the value of asking questions around the board room table while listening and working collaboratively to develop creative solutions to complex problems. I understand the importance of building trusted relationships with those I work with so that we can have critical conversations, challenge each other’s opinions and when required compromise to develop robust solutions to move forward.

3. Selon vous, quels sont les trois principaux défis et possibilités qui se présenteront à CIRA au cours des trois à cinq prochaines années? Quelle approche adopteriez-vous pour résoudre ces enjeux?

Over the next three years the top challenges facing CIRA will be declining domain sales, and an unprecedented increase in cybersecurity threats targeting Canadian businesses, organizations and citizens. In addition, CIRA will need to navigate changing policies and pressures both domestically and globally regarding the privacy and internet governance. To address these changes, I would continue to support looking for opportunities to promote the value of domain sales within the context of a safe and secure internet. I would support management in the ongoing exploration of diversified cybersecurity services to both support better protection of Canadian businesses, organizations, and Canadians. I would continue to support CIRA as a domestic and global leader in the multi-stakeholder community that governs Canada and the global internet.

Voir le CV de Jill Kowalchuk