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WHEREAS The Governance Committee election working group has thoroughly reviewed and discussed possible changes to the Policy on Nominations and Elections and Election Rules for 2011;

And WHEREAS staff has reviewed the proposed changes and are in agreement that they will be able to implement the polices as drafted;

And WHEREAS the Governance Committee has reached unanimous consensus on the changes;

WHEREAS The Governance Committee election working group has thoroughly reviewed and discussed possible changes to the Policy on Nominations and Elections and Election Rules for 2011;

And WHEREAS staff has reviewed the proposed changes and are in agreement that they will be able to implement the polices as drafted;

And WHEREAS the Governance Committee has reached unanimous consensus on the changes;

RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors revises the Policy on Nominations and Elections and adopts the Election Rules for the 2011 Election as circulated on May 6th 2011, subject only to changing Section 3.03(b)(i) to instead read: “(i) strive to ensure strive to ensure experienced, knowledgeable, and diverse participation in the Corporation by putting forth Nomination Committee Candidates who support the Corporation’s objects and mission. The Final Nomination Committee Slate shall include Nomination Committee Candidates who:”.

(Moved by T. Williams, seconded by V. Withers, motion carried)
