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About CIRA Grants

CIRA Net Good Grants funds community-led internet projects to build a resilient, trusted and secure internet for all Canadians.

Since 2014, CIRA has provided $12.95 million in funding for 232 projects across Canada.

Discover our full list of projects

Grants are available up to $100,000

What do we fund?

  • Infrastructure
  • Online safety
  • Policy engagement

We prioritize projects that benefit:

  • Northern, rural and Indigenous communities
  • Students (kindergarten to grade 12 and post-secondary)
Infrastructure Project


CIRA aims to increase the number of Canadians who have access to a high-quality and high-performing internet. Through our Net Good Grants, we fund community-led connectivity research, network planning and solutions. Infrastructure solutions must be community-led and owned, contributing to long-term community development.


  • Deploying upgraded wireless infrastructure that provides access to low earth orbit (LEO) technology for remote communities in Nunavut.
  • Connecting homes and buildings to existing coaxial community lines in an Indigenous community.
  • Building a solar-powered radio tower to connect a remote BC region to Wi-Fi and cellular service.
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Online safety

CIRA is focused on increasing Canadians’ cybersecurity knowledge and safety from threats. We want more Canadians to know how to protect themselves and feel safe online. We fund research, educational frameworks, tools, consultations and training programs that increase Canadians’ online safety. Projects must focus on preparing Canadians to use the internet safely and confidently, building knowledge and protection against threats like misinformation, online harms, privacy intrusion and surveillance, harassment, cyberbullying and gender-based violence.


  • A lab facility for college students in IT to practice detecting and addressing cybersecurity attacks and threats.
  • A toolkit for K-12 educators across Canada to address privacy and digital safety risks associated with AI and machine learning experienced by Northern, rural and Indigenous communities.
  • Youth-led citizens’ assembly on children’s online safety that will inform Canadian policymakers on how best to protect and empower children online.
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Policy engagement

CIRA engages, supports and strengthens a vibrant and influential internet community domestically and globally. We seek a legislative and policy environment that favours a trusted internet for Canadians. We fund events, research and policy ecosystem work that broadens public awareness, understanding and engagement in domestic internet policy and governance.


  • A Digital Equity Strategy to inform, engage, refine and share policy directions with First Nations leaders to benefit all First Nations people of BC.
  • Research report on digital equity and internet affordability across low-income communities in Canada.
  • Empowering Indigenous connectivity advocates to directly connect with policy makers through a targeted policy engagement training model.

What we don’t fund

  • Projects focused on building online apps, websites or platforms
  • Schools, libraries and municipalities, except where they are applying as a registered charity or non-profit organization
  • Requests focused solely on travel and expenses to attend conferences
  • Proposals that provide generic IT training and/or equipment to support such training
  • More than 25 per cent of project budget for equipment, except for infrastructure projects
  • End user equipment for individual use (e.g., personal and/or mobile devices, CPE, etc.)—any equipment must stay with the applicant organization or institution
  • Ongoing core operations (e.g., permanent staff salaries, administrative functions such as firewalls and intranets, etc.)
  • Retrospective costs
  • General fundraising appeals
  • Marketing or research associated with marketing activities
  • Projects focused outside of Canada

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Registered charities
  • Indigenous communities
  • Academics at a Canadian college or university
  • We accept only one application at a time from an organization, either alone or as part of a partnership. There are no limits for academic institutions; however, the lead researcher(s) may submit only one application at a time.
  • It’s not mandatory to have a .CA to receive a CIRA Grant. However, as an organization whose initiative benefits Canadians, .CA will help brand you as Canadian. Learn more about the benefits of having a .CA.

Learn more about how to apply.

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